TM 9-2350-267-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992LocationItemIntervalCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.Item toCheckProcedureCapable If:ServiceDRIVER1BeforeVehicleWalk around vehicle. CheckAny Class Ill leakExteriorfor any obvious leaks, missingfound. Vehicle hasitems, or damage to equip-damage or is missingment.items that would pre-vent operation.DRIVERCAUTION2BeforeSubfloorDo not ford if any drain plugsAny drain plugs orDrainare missing.hull plugs miss-and Hulling.PlugsCheck all drain plugs and hullplugs for installation.DRIVER3BeforeExternalCheck to ensure handle isWire seal broken,Fire Ex-properly seated and laced.missing or extin-tin-guisher handle isguisherpulled.Handle2-28
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