TM 9-2350-267-10LOOSE, DAMAGED OR MISSING BOLTS, NUTS AND SCREWS. Check forobvious looseness or damaged condition. Without using a wrench, it maybedifficult to spot loose hardware. However, you can often identify loose bolts bychipped or missing paint around the bolt head and bare metal at the base ofthe bolt head. If you find a loose bolt, tighten it. If a bolt is missing, or if a dam-aged bolt, nut or screw is discovered, report it to Organizational Maintenance.FRAYED ELECTRICAL WIRES AND LOOSE CONNECTORS. Electricalwiring should be checked for cracks due to aging or adverse weather condi-tions. Tighten loose clamps and connectors. If exposed wiring or damagedconnectors are discovered, notify Organizational Maintenance.FLUID LEAKS. Look for wear, damage and leaks under fluid hoses, lines andfittings. Make sure fittings and clamps are tight. Wet spots indicate leaks butstains around a fitting can mean a leak too. If a leak comes from a loose fittingor connector, tighten the connection. If a hose, fitting orconnectoris broken orworn out, report it to Organizational Maintenance.It is necessary for you to know how fluid leakage affects your vehicle. The following classi-fication system defines the three types of leaks you will encounter while doing PMCS. Be-come familiar with the system so that you can determine the readiness status of your vehi-cle.CLASS I LEAK - Seepage of fluid (indicated by wetness or discoloration) notgreat enough to form drops.CLASS II LEAK - Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops, but not enoughto cause drops to drip from the item being checked/inspected.CLASS Ill LEAK - Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall fromthe item being checked/inspected.CAUTIONEquipment operation is allowable with minor leak-age (Class I or Class II). Of course, considerationmust be given to the fluid capacity In the item/sys-tem being checked/inspected. When in doubt notifyyour supervisor. When operating with Class I orClass II leaks, continue to check fluid levels as re-quired in your PMCS.Class Ill leaks should be reported to your supervisor or Organizational Maintenance.2-26
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