TM 9-2350-267-10Section Il. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES(PMCS)The purpose of PMCS is to discover and correct any defects before serious damage orfailure occurs. Performing the PMCS, as outlined on the following pages, will help youkeep a well-maintained and properly functioning vehicle. Always perform the PMCS in thesame sequence each time; by doing so, you will develop habits which will help you to spottrouble quickly.The PMCS are divided into two sections:DAILY- items which require checks or services each day the vehicle is oper-ated. Required daily checks for each item shall be performed before (B) op-eration, during (D) operation or after(A) operation, according to the locationof a dot in the “Interval” column.WEEKLY/MONTHLY - items that require periodic checks or services on aweekly or monthly basis. Each check listed in this section will be performedweekly (W) or monthly (M), according to the location of a dot in the “Interval”column.Perform WEEKLY (W) checks as well as DAILY (D) checks, if:You are the assigned operator and have not operated the item since the lastweekly check.The crew member responsible for each check is keyed into the “Done By” column. Checkand/or service each item according to the procedures listed in the “Item To Be Inspected/Procedure”column. Report the vehicle not ready if the status described in the “Equipmentis Not Ready/Available If” column exists. Personnel will be denied use of “not ready”equipment until corrective maintenance is completed.Always keep the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS in mind as you do PMCS. Take along alltools needed and a rag or two to make the checks.To maximize the effectiveness of the PMCS, always watch for the following conditions:GREASE AND DIRT. Keep your vehicle clean. Dirt, grease, oil and other de-bris may hide a serious problem and will shorten the life of your equipment.Clean as you work. Use dry-cleaning solvent (item 13, Appx D) on all metalsurfaces. Use soap and water when you clean rubber or plastic materials.2-25
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