TM 9-2350-261-20-l
Table 2-1. Unit Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M113A2 FOV
Item Interval
Item To
Not Mission
Capable If:
S e m i - S t a ll
If outside air temperature is greater
than 85° F (29° C, normal operating
temperature should be 160° to 230° F
(71° to 110° C.
Limit stall test to 30 seconds.
Lengthy full throttle operation
with brakes locked creates high
oil temperatures and will dam-
age engine and transmission. If
you suspect a faulty governor, do
not perform stall check.
With brakes locked, move range selec-
tor to the 2-3 range and push accelera-
tor all the way down. Tachometer
reading of 1900 to 2100 rpm indicates
power plant is operating correctly.
Tachometer above
2100 rpm or below
1900 rpm.
Extremely high ambient tem-
perature and high altitude will
lower stall speed.
U s e S T E - I C E t o v e r i f y t h e
T a c h o m e t e r i s c a l i b r a t e d o r
t o g e t a r e a d i n g w h e n
performing a stall check. See
page 3-284 for STE-ICE Test 10
Engine RPM.
If check fails and a faulty tachom-
eter is suspected, verify tachom-
eter reading by performing STE-
ICE check number 10 (page 3-
284) before sending to next higher
level of maintenance.
Tachometer reading above 2100 rpm
indicates transmission problems.
Tachometer reading below 1900 rpm
i n d i c a t e s a f a u l t y e n g i n e .
Troubleshoot fuel system (page 3-30).
Check for correct vehicle tachometer
adapter. If no fault can be found, con-
tact next higher level of maintenance.
Change 4 2-45