TM 9-2350-261-20-1
d. Prompting messages.
Prompting messages tell the operator to do something. After the operator action is
completed, testing will continue. Some of the prompting messages and their meanings are as follows:
Tells the operator to enter VID on the TEST SELECT switches.
Tells the operator to enter the number-of-cylinders into the VTM.
Tells the operator to crank engine.
Tells the operator to set TEST SELECT switches to 99 during confidence test.
Tells the operator to release the TEST button during an offset test.
Tells the operator to apply full throttle in a CI power test.
e. Confidence test error messages. Confidence test messages are displayed either as PASS or by a C followed
by three numbers (#). A C### is an error message used by VTM repair personnel as an aid in
If a C### message appears during confidence test or during normal operation, go to confidence test fault
isolation, TM 9-4910-571-12&P, for the necessary corrective action.
The test method consists of a pre-test inspection and STE/ICE-R testing.
a. Pre-test inspection. Before using STE/ICE-R to test the vehicles, perform the following pre-test
(1) Fan Belts. Check for proper tension. Replace if cracked or frayed.
(2) Oil Level. Bring up to proper level if low.
(3) Fuel Level. Check that the fuel tank has enough fuel for testing.
(4) Radiator. Bring up to proper level if low.
(5) Battery. Replace the battery if the case is cracked or the terminal posts are damaged. Clean off all
corrosion. Check that the battery connections to ground and to starter motor are in good condition,
securely connected, and clean. Check the electrolyte level (see TM 9-6140-200-14). If low, bring up to
proper level with distilled water.
b. Vehicle test card (VTC). Once familiar with STE/ICE-R testing procedures the vehicle test card (located on
page 3-248) can be used as a quick reference.
The front of the test card contains all of the information, in abbreviated format, that the user will need to
perform common measurements on the vehicle. The organization from the top of the card to the bottom
represents a logical order of steps from powering up the VTM to completing a series of tests.
The top of the card describes the power up sequence of STE/ICE-R for the vehicle. Next, a table is provided
which lists many measurements that are useful in troubleshooting the vehicle. The table includes: the
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