TM 9-2350-261-20-1
(d) Cable connectors. The four cable connectors on the VTM are DCA/PWR J1, transducer cable
connectors J2TK and J3TK and VOLTS/OHMS J4.
. DCA/PWR connector J1 used to connect VTM to either a vehicle diagnostic connector with
the DCA cable W1 or to a DC power source with the power cable W5. The DC power source is
usually the vehicles batteries.
. Transducer cable connectors J2 TK and J3 TK used to connect transducer cables W4 to
VTM. Power and signals are routed through these connectors. Both connectors may be used
when a test requires two measurements to be made at the same time.
l V0LTS/OHNS connector J4 used to connect test probe cable W2 to VTM for voltage and
resistance tests.
(2) Cable assemble, In procedures in this manual, the cable assemblies are referred to by a number for quick
identification. Each cable also has a name which describes its use. A reference to W 1, for example, would
indicate the DCA cable. Connectors on the cable are identified by a number preceded by either a P or an E,
such as P1 or E2.
The cable assemblies included in the STE/ICE-R are:
w 1 DCA cable
w 2 test probe cable
w 3
ignition adapter cable
w 4 transducer cable (two)
w 5 power cable
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