TM 9-2350-261-20-1
associated VTM test number, any required offset test limits, operating condition of the engine, special
connections required, the expected limits for pass or fail, and the units of measurement. Also included on the
front of the card are hook-up diagrams.
The organization of the table allows measurements with the vehicle engine turned off to be performed first.
These measurements will ensure that the starting system of the vehicle is in working order before proceeding.
The order of the other measurements is as follows:
. Measurements with the engine running but not warm
. Measurements requiring the engine to be warm and running
. Measurements requiring the engine to be warm and not running
. Miscellaneous measurements
The back of the VTC contains the hookups for measurements used to troubleshoot vehicle components.
Measurements that require special hookups are also included on this side of the VTC.
To start the test method, first perform the pre-test inspection and then the charging system operational check
on page 3-64.4.
S T E / I C E - R E N G I N E T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G M E T H O D
When a malfunction in the engine is recognized by the mechanic, the flip cards to Troubleshooting will
provide a reference to a specific procedure to isolate the cause of the malfunction.
To start the STE/ICE-R engine troubleshooting method do the following:
a. Perform Hook up. First, perform HOOKUP to set up STE/ICE-R and check to see if it is in working
b. Perform procedurec Now that STE/ICE-R is hooked up properly and checks out, perform the procedure
cited in the Quick Guide to Troubleshooting.
The rules to follow when using STE/ICE-R engine troubleshooting method are:
(1) Never enter in the middle of a procedure.
(2) Follow each instructiom in a procedure. Do not skip any instructions or procedures.
(3) after correction a problem with a procedure, test run the component, engine or powerplant to ensure
the problem does not still exist.
The STE/ICE-R battery test procedures allow the user to evaluate the condition and state of charge of
vehicle/equipment batteries. These procedures use the battery internal resistance and battery resistance
change measurements. Battery internal resistance evaluates the state of charge of the battery. Battery
resistance change evaluates the battery condition.
Battery state of charge is a measure of the amount of energy stored in the battery. A fully charged battery
contains the maximum amount of energy stored. If the batteqy fails the battery state of charge evaluation, the
battery may be recharged to return the battery to fti charge.