WARNINGCarrierandcan sinkpersonnelcould be iqjuredor killed if carrierenters or exits ona slope greaterthan 30% grade. Do not exceed a30% entry/exit slope.4. Enter water on an slope nogreater than a 30% grade. Enterwater at crawl speed. Slopeshould be firm with no drop-offfor at least one earner lengthunder or above water.TM 9-2350-261-105. Exit slope must be clear, gradualand firm. Do not exceed a 30%exit slope.6. Measure slope percentage usingplumb line as follows:NOTEBefore slope percentage is mea-sured using plumb line, be surethat carrier is completely on theslope and squared to water line.a.b.Drive earner onto slope In bemeasured.Set brakes and block earner.GO TO NEXT PAGE2-291
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