W A T E R O P E R A T I O N S : E N T E R I N G W A T E RI N I T I A L S E T UPPersonnel Required:Equipment Conditions:DriverEngine stopped (page 2-184)CrewNOTEUse earner loaded asm i n e d f r o mdip(page 2-287).1.2.deter-checkPerform PREPARATIONBEFORE WATER OPERATION,steps 1 thru 33 (page 2-275) andCARRIER DIP CHECK, steps 1thru 12 (page 2-287).Measure speed of the watercurrent prior to entering water asfollows:a.b.c.Position two personnel (orobjects) at least 100 feet apartnear the stream bank.(Position at entry point is Aand position 100 feetdownstream is point B.)Toss in any object which willfloat to point B.Measure the time it takes thefloating object to go from pointA to point B. When objecttakes less than 35 seconds,stream is too fast — DO NOTENTER WATER.d. Test the stream near thebank, along the edges of thestream, and in the middle ofthe stream.NOTEThe maximum speed of the wa-ter in which the carrier can safe-ly cross depends on such factorsas water choppiness, amount ofice or other debris, overhangingtree limbs, underwater obstaclesand the maximum acceptabledownstream drift distance.3. Water must be from of ice anddebris. Use the terrain and waterobstacle limits below beforeentering the water.Current . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 mph (Maximum)Waves . . . . . . . . . .6 inches (Maximum 2-290T M 9 - 2 3 5 0 - 2 6 1 - 10
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business