TM 9-2350-261-10O P E R A T E P O R T A B L E F I R E E X T I N G U I S H E RINITIAL SETUP Personnel Required: Driver or soldierO P E R A T EW A R N I N GFire extinguisherCO2 can causesuffocation and/orsevereburns.H a n d l e t h e f i reextinguisher care-fully. Do not bang or drop cylin-der.1.2.3.Open two clamps and removeportable fire extinguisher fromstowed position in personnelcompartment.For M1068 only, pull latch andremove fire extinguisher from thebracket.To operate fire extinguisher:a.b.c.Break fire extinguisher seal and remove safety pin from handle.Point cone at base of fire.Squeeze handles.WARNINGDo not touch conewhen using extin-guisher.Handswill be severelyburned.4. Return empty fire extinguisher tounit maintenance.END OF TASK2-204Change 3
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