TM 9-2350-247-20-1PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS — Continued0128 00ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDCREWMEMBERPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLEIF:b. Check for loose screws on 6C universal joints.Tighten loose screws to 35–40 lb-ft (47–54N•m) torque. Loosen and retighten screws to35–40 lb-ft (47–54 N•m) torque (M548A1).c. If universal joint has lubrication fittings,lubricate with GAA (Table 15, page0128 00-19).M548A1SCREWSCREW6C UNIVERSALJOINTM548A147Semi-Annual(M548A3)Steering Rodand ConnectingLinka. Check steering linkage lever on top oftransmission for ease of movement from low tofull position. If linkage does not move easily,troubleshoot steering system (WP 0006 00).Loose ordamagedsteering rodand connectinglink.48Semi-Annual(M548A3)Power PlantCompartmenta. Clean power plant compartment with cleaningcompound (WP 0542 00). Remove debris andwipe up spilled oil and fuel.012800-62
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