TM 9-2350-277-20-1IN BLACKOUT MODE, FLUORESCENT LIGHTS OPERATE INCORRECTLY (M1068A3ONLY)—Continued0101 00AY1. Set MASTER SWITCH to OFF.2. Remove cable W28, plug P1 (1) from adapter plug P1 (2).3. Measure resistance between cable W28 plugs P1 and P2 (3).4. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?YESNOAYN1. Replace cable W28 (WP 0849 00).2. Verify no faults found.A2Y1. Remove lead 38B (1) from adapter plug P3 (2).2. Set MASTER SWITCH to ON.3. Measure voltage between lead 38B (1) and ground.4. Does multimeter read 22 volts DC or more?YESNOA2YN1. Refer to: Dome Light Malfunction(M577A3 Only) (WP 0040 00).0101 00-3
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