9-54TM 9-2350-267-20REMOVALNOTEG With lifting hook (2) attached to door lifting lug (3), carefullylift door (1) from vehicle. Remove washer (17).This procedure requires two personnel.H Remove two hinge arms (18) from door (1) by removing fromA Lift and hold top middle door (1) in open position perpen-each, four screws (19), four lockwashers (20), eight flatdicular to roof of vehicle, and attach lifting hook (2) fromwashers (21) and four nuts (22).suitable lifting device to top middle door lifting lug (3).IPry up and remove two rubber seals (23) from seal channelsBRemove four screws (4) and four lockwashers (5) that secureof door (1).anchor (6) to vehicle. Remove anchor (6) and shield (7).JUse solvent (item 19, Appx D) and clean rags (item 50,C Pull 12 leaf springs (8) from assembly.Appx D) to thoroughly clean and dry door seal channel.Remove old seal particles.CAUTIONINSTALLATIONMake sure door latch is open before attemptingto open door, or latch could be broken.A Apply thin coating of adhesive (item 4, Appx D) to door sealchannels and rubber seal (23). Allow adhesive to dry untiltacky before seal installation. Position and install seal (23)D Close door (1) and remove three screws (9) and threewith flat side toward seal channel and rounded side out.lockwashers (10) that secure hinge (11) to vehicle. Removehinge(n) and washer (12).B Apply zinc chromate paste (item 46, Appx D) betweenmounting surfaces of hinge arms (18) and door (1), and be-E Remove shield (13).tween mounting surfaces of anchors (6), hinges (11 and 15)and vehicle hull.FTo remove hinge (14), remove three screws (15) and threelockwashers (16).C Reverse removal procedures.
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