TM 9-2350-261-34`REPAIR CARGO HATCH HINGES M113A2, M1059, AND M901AlThis task coversRemove (page (8-12). Install (page 8-13).INITIAL SETUPTOOls:Personnel Required:Metal Worker's Tool Kit(Item 61, App B))Metal Worker 44B10Adapter(Item 2, App B)Electical Disc Sander (Item 77, App B)IndustialGoggles Item3App B)Trailer Mounted Welding ShopWelder's Gloves (Item 36, App B)Welder’s Helmet (Item 42, App B)Welding electrode (Item 83, App C)Cargo hatch removed from carrier(see your -20)Battery ground disconnected (see your -20)R E M O V EWARNINGclI1.2.3.Metal chips and grindingdust can cause injury. Weargoggles and gloves.Remove and discard broken hinge (1or2)from hatch (3).Use a machinist's hammer and a cold chiselto chip off remaining part of bad hinge fromc a r g o h a t c h .Use a disc sander to sand chipped areasmooth and remove any hard coating fromweld area.8-12DESCRIPTIONItem 96, App B)
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business