TM 9-2350-261-34 REPAIR MULTIPIN CONNECTORS DESCRIPTIONThis task covers:Remove Receptacle (page 6-66).Install Receptacle (page 6-66).Remove Cable(page 6-67).Install Cable (page 6-67).INITIAL SETUP Tools:Materials/Parts (cont):Automotive Fuel and Electrical System RepairAR – ContactsTool Kit (Item 7, App B)Electrical Tool Kit (Item 31, App B)Personnel Required: Digital Multimeter (Item 62, App B)Soldering Gun (Item 38, App B)Fuel and Elec Sys Rep 63G10Materials/Parts:Insulation tape (Item 42, App C)Tin alloy solder (Item 80, App C)Equipment Conditions: Serviceable parts on workbenchREMOVE RECEPTACLE O T EUse same procedure for repairing singleor multiple lead, and male or femalereceptacle.Loosen nut (1) from receptacle (2). Slide nut8.back on leads (3).Remove grommet (4) with contacts (5) fromrear of receptacle (2).9.Push leads (3) into grommet (4) untilcontacts (5) are fully exposed on other side ofgrommet. Clip or desolder leads fromcontacts. Discard contacts.Remove grommet (4) and nut (1) fromleads (3).INSTALL RECEPTACLE N O T EIf replacing lead, cut new wire from bulksupply. Measure original length, gage,5.6.and type of wire.Strip insulation from leads (3) to uncover justenough wire to fill well in contact (5).Slide nut (1) over leads (3).Push leads (3) through grommet (4) and in-sert in new contacts (5).N O T EMake sure leads pass through properlettered hole in grommet.Solder leads (3) in contacts (5) and press con-tacts into grommet (4). Check leads for conti-nuity. Use multimeter.Aline and install grommet (4) in receptacle(2). Secure with nut (1).6-66Change 1
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