TM9-2350-261-20-2R E P L A C E T R A C K S H O E A N D P A D A S S E M B L YI N I T I A L S E T U PTools:General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 30, App D)Torque Wrench (Item 96, App D)Materials/Parts:Self-locking nutPersonnel Required:Unit MechanicReferences:see your -1oEquipment Conditions:Carrier on level groundCarrier positioned with track pad accessibleEngine stopped/shutdown (see your -10)Carrier blocked (see your -10)Track shroud and covers removed (page 22-2)R E P L A C E1. See your –10 for instructions on replacing thetrack shoe.N O TETrack shoe pin should not be extendingoutside of shoe.2. Tighten either locknut (1) on track shoe pin(z) until approximately 1-2 threads extendthrough locknut. Tighten opposite locknut (1)to 115–135 lb-ft (155-183 N•m). Use torquewrench.R E M O V E3. Remove locknut (3) and pad (4) from trackshoe (5). Discard locknut.I N S T A L LN O T EYour carrier might have either T130 orT130E1 track, or a mixture of both. AT130E1 track pad is about 4-3/4 inches (12cm) long. A T130 track pad is about 6-3/4inches (14.6 cm) long.4. Install track shoe pad (4) in track shoe (5).Secure with new locknut (3). Tighten locknutto 135-155 lb-ft (183-210 N•m torque. Usetorque wrench.F O L L O W - T H R O U G H S T E P S1. Install track shroud and covers (page 22-2.END OF TASK22-6
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