TM 9-2350-261-20-22.3.Remove four circuit leads (1, 2, 3, and 4) asfollows:a.b.c.d.e.Remove nut (5), circuit lead 7 (l), andscrew (6) from battery negativeterminal (7).Remove nut (8), screw (9), two washers(10), and circuit lead 7 (1) from hullmount.Remove nut (5), screw (6), circuit 31 lead(2), circuit 48B lead (3), and circuit 6 lead(4) from battery positive terminal (11).Remove circuit 7 lead (l), circuit 31 lead(2), circuit 6 lead (4), and three-holegrommet (12) from battery box (13).Discard grommet.Remove circuit 48B lead (3) and grommet(14) from battery box (13). Discardgrommet.Remove four nuts (15), screws (16), and fourCLEAN, INSPECT, AND REPAIR4.5.6.7.Clean battery terminals, battery posts,grounding bracket on hull, and leadconnectors with brush dipped in mixture ofsodium bicarbonate and water. After foamingstops, flush parts with clean water. Dry withclean cloth.Clean battery terminals and posts withbattery terminal cleaner.Check battery cover. Remove dents. Repaircracks. Replace cover damaged beyond repair.Check leads. Replace worn leads andbattery terminals (7 and 11) from batterybox (13). Use battery terminal puller.—13-6.4Change 3
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