TM 9-2350-277-34VEHICLE WILL NOT ACCEPT EXTERNAL AC POWER (M1068A3 ONLY)—Continued 0008 0010Y1. Set external source of AC power to OFF(TM 11-7010-256-12&P).2. Undo the velcro strap (1) securing the safety cover (2) to theinside of the faceplate (3). Pull the safety cover (2) open to accessthe circuit breakers.3. Measure resistance between K1 relay terminal L1 (4) and circuitbreaker CB1 terminal 1 (5).4. Does multimeter read 0 ohms?YESNO10YN1. Replace lead 7A (WP 0093 00) andSee your -20.2. Verify no faults found.0008 00-12
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