TM 9-2350-267-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992LocationItemIntervalCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.Item toCheck/ProcedureCapable If:Servicec o MMANDER9Before.50 Cal,Mount weapon and performM2, Ma-PMCS IAW TM 9-1005-213-10.chine Gunc o MMANDER10BeforeIntercomCheck all controls and indicators Communication is notSystemfor proper operation and PMCS possible between TCIAW TM 11-5830-340-12and driver.DRIVER11BeforeParkingCheck parking brake opera-Parking brake doesBraketion.not hold.DRIVER12BeforeBrakesWARNINGArea must be clear of per-sonnel before operating ve-hicle.Check brake operation.Locks up or binds; in-operative or intermit-tent, defective or outof adjustment,2-38
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