TM 9-2350-267-10ItemNo.DRIVER7.1Before7.2Before8BeforeTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992IntervalLocationItem toCheck/ServiceDriver’s SeatAssemblyAcceleratorPedalInstrumentsand GagesCrewmemberProcedureMove driver’s seat to several posi-tions by operating driver’s seat ad-justing lever. When lever is released,plunger should seat into support andhold seat securely in position. In-spect adjusting lever, specifically thearea that controls movement of theplunger.Check for smooth operation ofaccelerator pedal and missing orunserviceable accelerator pedal re-turn spring.NOTEVehicle may take longer to warm updepending on local climate.a. Start vehicle. Follow startingmain engine procedures. Run engineat fast idle.Not Fully MissionCapable If:Any indication thatseat does not staysecurely locked intoposition. Adjustinglever is broken orunserviceable.Return spring ismissing or un-serviceable oraccelerator pedaldoes not return toidle position afterbeing depressed.a. Engine will notstart.Change 12-35
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