Subject, Page
TM 9-2350-261-20-2
Subject, Page
T (cont)
T (cont)
And clamps, M577A2, replace, 24-181
Frame and mounts, M577A2, replace, 24-183
Light assembly, M577A2, replace, 12-76
Terminal blocks TB1 and TB2, inverter housing,
M1068, replace, 40.1-28.1
Transfer gearcase (cont):
Resilient mount, replace, 19-2
Transient suppressor, MX-7777B/GRC or
MX7778A/GRC, M901, replace, 44-4
Housing and deaeration elbow, replace, 8-15
Tube, housing to engine coolant, replace, 8-18
Throttle, hand, replace, 23-42
TMDE, and support equipment, repair parts,
special tools, xiii
And lower accelerator linkage:
Repair, 23-29
Replace, 23-25
And supplements and special tools/fixtures
list, common, D-1
Fabricated, E-1
TMDE, and support equipment, repair parts,
special, xiii
Hi oil temperature indicator comes on, 3-71
Hose and fittings, oil cooler to, replace, 18-4
Oil filter and element, drain, replace, 18-8
Oil hi temp indicator malfunctions, 3-153
OiI high temperature switch, replace, 15-6
Range selector:
Repair, 23-50
Replace, 23-48
Torque wrench adapters and the conversion
formula, use of, 2-29
Torsion bar:
Anchor, replace, 22-36
Replace, 22-32
Tow cable pad, replace, 24-6
Towing hook, replace, 24-3
Towing pintle:
Repair, 24-4
Replace, 24-4
Towlines, repair, 35-4
Replace, 22-4
Shroud and covers:
12 inch (30 cm), replace, 22-2
Tension adjuster and mount, replace, 22-24
Track shoe:
Shaft, to differential, replace, 20-2
Throttle valve linkage, and accelerator,
adjust, 23-34
To oil cooler hose and fittings, replace, 18-2
Vent and filler tube, replace, 18-6
Transmitter, fuel quantity:
Replace, M113A2, M901A1, M1059, 6-9
Replace, M125A2, M106A2, 6-80
Replace, M577A2, M1068, 6-54
Replace, M981, M1064, 6-32
Traversing unit mount and spacer, M901A1,
replace, 24-275
Trim vane:
Assembly, and pad, replace, 22-6
Harness, replace, 17-2
Light receptacle wiring harness, replace,
Lights do not operate, 3-100
Transmission hi oil temp indicator malfunctions,
Transfer gearcase:
Disassemble/assemble, oil filler, 19-5
Lifting eyebolt, cover, and plug, replace, 19-6
Oil filler, replace, 19-4
Oil level dipstick, tube, and guide, replace,
Control linkage, repair, 24-13
Repair, 24-17
Replace, 24-14
Repair, M106A2, M125A2, M577A2, M1068,
Repair, all except M106A2, M125A2, M1064,
M1068, M577A2, 24-11
Replace, 24-8
Tripod stowage brackets, M901A1, replace,
Troubleshooting, 3-8
How to use, 3-1
Auxiliary tank:
To coolant pump, replace, 8-30
To radiator, replace, 8-31
Bulkhead connection to heater:
Fuel inlet hose, 32-23
Change 4
Index 27