TM 9-2350-261-20-2
Subject, Page
Subject, Page
S (cont)
Solenoid valve, air box heater, replace, 6-136
Solenoid wiring harness, suspension lockout,
replace, 28-76
Stowage bracket:
Launch tube, M901A1, replace, 24-271
Mortar base:
Cable, repair, 11-19
Cable and adapter, replace, 11-17
Instrument panel, replace, 11-16
Malfunctions, 3-227
Stalls or does not put out full power, engine
runs rough, 3-44
Replace, M106A2, 24-256
Replace, M125A2, 24-258
Mortar bridge, and bumper, M106A2, replace,
Below 40 degrees, air box heater is used,
engine cranks but will not, 3-34
Engine cranks but will not, 3-30
Sight extension arm:
M106A2 and M577A2, replace, 24-253
M1064, replace, 24-252.1
Windshield, M106A2, M1064, M577A2,
replace, 24-252
Ground leads, replace, 10-4
Replace, 10-2
Stowage cover, and brackets, mortar bipod,
M125A2, replace, 24-259
Stowage hooks, and brackets, M113A2, replace,
Stowage rack:
Station operators seat, M1068:
Repair, 24-150.4
Replace, 24-150.3
STE/ICE-R Troubleshooting 3-9
Brake adjustment, 23-2
Brakes malfunction, 3-176
Steering levers:
Radio, left bulkhead, M577A2, M1068,
replace, 24-245
Radio, M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 24-249
Radio, right front, M577A2, 24-242
Radio, right front, M1068, 24-242.1
Wall, M577A2, 24-243
Cross-shafts, and bearings, replace, 23-10
Cross-shafts, and links, replace, 23-14
Left/right, repair, 23-7
Stencils, markers, and decals, dataplates,
replace, 24-217
Stewart Warner Corp., heater component
maintenance, 30-1
Stop light switch and bracket, replace, 12-132
Stop light-tail light:
Repair, 12-13
Replace, 12-12
Repair, 12-13
Replace, 12-14
Front bilge pump and, replace, 16-2
Rear bilge pump and, replace, 16-8
Parts, filler cap, M125A2, M106A2, replace,
Straps, and tarpaulin, MM113A2, M1059,
replace, 35-2
Support, high stow, launcher, M901A1, replace,
Support arm:
Road wheel, replace, 22-12
Support bracket, smoke generator assembly and,
M1059, replace, 40-6
Suppressor, MX-777B/GRC or MX-7778A/GRC,
transient, replace, 41-4
Stop light-tail light and guards, M981, M1064,
replace, 12-57
Admittance buzzer, M577A2, M1068, replace,
Storage box, map, M1068:
Repair, page 24-248.3
Replace, page 24-248.2
Storage or shipment, preparation for, 1-8
Stowage box:
Assembly and cables, M8A3/M14 NBC,
M113A2, M1059A2, replace, 39-95
Assembly, cables, M8A3 NBC, M106A2,
M125A2, replace, 39-43
Blower, M577A2, M1068, replace, 17-16
Grenade, M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 24-250
Periscope, M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 24-251
High oil temperature, replace, 15-4
Lead, replace, 15-5
S (cont)
Change 4
Index 25