TM 9-2350-261-20-1
Table 2-1. Unit Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M113A2 FOV
Item Interval Item To
Not Mission
Capable If:
Insure all operational faults are cor-
Any Class III leaks
Annual Road Test
rected. Pay attention to any items that
or operational
were previously recorded on DA Form
f a u l t s .
Perform final carrier road test. Drive
carrier at least 5 miles (8 km).
Power plant can be damaged. Do
not pivot steering when carrier
is moving except on a track fail-
ure emergency.
Operate steering levers and check for
satisfactory response (see your -10).
With carrier operating at moderate
speed and steering levers released,
check for tendency to wander or pull to
one side. Release accelerator and ap-
ply brakes. Check if carrier stops
without pulling to one side. With car-
rier stopped on an incline, loch steer-
ing levers and move transmission to N
position. Check that brakes loch se-
curely and carrier is held in place. On
level ground, operate pivot steer lev-
ers, one at a time, and check for pivot
Carrier fails to slow
doen or stop.
If steering or brakes do not operate
properly, see steering system
troubleshooting (page 3-176).
Check shifting of carrier in all ranges.
If carrier does not respond properly to
selected driving range, troubleshoot
gear selection system (page 3-177).
Change 4
2-109 (2-110 blank)