TM 9-2350-247-34COMMON TOOLS AND SUPPLEMENTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS/FIXTURESLIST0078 00INTRODUCTIONScopeThis work package lists all common tools and supplements and special tools/fixtures needed to maintain the M548A1 andM548A3 Carriers.Explanation of Columns in the Expendable/Durable Items ListColumn (1) — Item Number. This number is assigned to the entry in the listing, and is referenced in the Initial Setup in thetask under Tools to identify the item (e.g., “Torque wrench (Item 85)").Column (2) — Name. This column lists the item by noun nomenclature and other descriptive features (e.g., "Wrench set,socket, 3/8 inch drive").Column (3) — National Stock Number. This is the National Stock Number (NSN) assigned to the item. Use it to requisitionthe item.Column (4) — Part Number. Indicates the primary number used by the manufacturer (individual, company, firm, corporation,or Government activity), which controls the design and characteristics of the item by means of its engineering drawings,specifications, standards, and inspection requirements to identify an item or range of items.Column (5) — Reference. This column identifies the authorizing Supply Catalog (SC) or Repair Parts and Special Tools List(RPSTL) for items listed in this work package.Table 1. Tool Identification List(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)ITEMNATIONALPARTNO.ITEM NAMESTOCK NUMBERNUMBERREFERENCE1ADAPTER, HOISTING,TRANSMISSION4910-00-572-86148356184TM 9-2350-247-24P2AMMETER, 0 TO 20 AMP AC6625-01-152-56787–50043TM 9-2350-247-24P3APRON, PLASTIC8415-00-222-8074E2–2845TM 9-2350-247-24P4APRON, UTILITY8415-00-082-6108MIL-A-41829SC 4910-95-CL-A015APRON, UTILITY8415-00-634-5023021–758TM 9-2350-247-24P6BRUSH, CLEANING7920-00-205-2401MIL-B-43871TM 9-2350-247-24P7BRUSH, WIRE, SCRATCH7920-00-291-5815HB178SC 4940-95-CL-B048CALIPER SET, MICROMETER,OUTSIDE, 0 TO 6 INCH5210-00-554-7134GGG-C-105SC 4910-95-CL-A639CALIPER, VERNIER, 0 TO 6 INCH5210-01-113-1548GGG-C-111SC 4910-95-CL-A3110CLAMP, C, 6 INCH5120-00-203-6431A-A-431SC 4910-95-CL-A3111CYLINDER, GRADUATED, 100 ML6640-00-883-85163022–100TM 9-2350-247-24P12DRILL, ELECTRIC, PORTABLE, 1/2INCH5130-00-889-9004WD00661SC 4910-95-CL-A310078 00-1
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