TM 9-2350-247-34
0049 00
Check tensile strength of fabric: Grasp a small fold of fabric between thumb and forefinger of each hand, gripping it
closely so tips of forefingers touch. Test material against threads that run the length of material. The weaker cross
threads should not be used for testing tensile strength. Tug material several times. If it does not rip, it is repairable. If it
tears on first tug, test several areas for extend of damage. Weak sections must be replaced.
Check fabric: Repair sections that have been weakened by stains or that cannot be brushed clean. Repair or replace
sections that are worn or torn or have a large number of patches.
Check stitching: Repair runoffs and broken threads. Restitch weak stitching and open seams.
Check hardware: Replace parts that are broken, bent, corroded or missing.
Use lockstitching to install all patches, straps, and flaps and to repair open seams. Use smallest needle size you can to
make weatherproof seams. Use 5 to 7 stitches per 1 inch (2.5 cm). Backstitch all thread breaks at least 1 inch (2.5 cm).
Backstitch all ends at least 1 inch (2.5 cm), except where ends are turned under in a hem or seam or held down by other
stitching. Maintain thread tension so stitching is tight and lock is firmly fixed in center of material. Trim all ends. Take
care, when restitching, to make a new stitch line.
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