TM 9-2350-247-20-1
0005 00
The following description takes you through a typical troubleshooting procedure.
Finding the Right Troubleshooting Procedure
A carrier arrives at the shop. The DA form 2404 shows that the engine cranks but will not start. Engine cranks but will not
start is part of the carrier Engine System. Therefore, you look up engine cranks but will not start listed under Engine System
in Troubleshooting Task Index, (WP 0006 00), in this chapter.
Check title to make sure you are troubleshooting the correct system for the problem. Next, read the INITIAL SETUP
carefully. Make sure you have all the items listed in the INITIAL SETUP. Some access steps in Equipment Conditions may
not need to be performed depending on the fault location. The INITIAL SETUP also includes tools and references. In
instances where STE/ICE-R troubleshooting may be more advantageous and time saving for the user, cross references to
(WP 0107 00), STE/ICE-R troubleshooting, are given under references. (WP 0107 00) contains references to standard
troubleshooting procedures. Its up to you to decide which are necessary for your particular problem.
Now youre ready to begin troubleshooting. Look at the first block. Do step 1. Does bilge pump fail to come on? If the
answer is NO. Follow the NO arrow to the reference indicated. If the answer is YES. Follow the Yes arrow to the next box.
Do steps 1 through 3. Lets say the multimeter reads 17 volts. The answer to the question, Does multimeter read more than
17 volts, is NO. Follow the NO arrow to the reference indicated. Lets say the multimeter reads more than 17 volts. The
answer to the question, Does multimeter read more than 17 volts, is YES. Follow the YES arrow to the next box.
Follow the YES box on the following page. Do steps 1 and 3. In this sample, lets say the multimeter reads more than 1/2
volt. The answer to step 3 is NO. Follow the NO arrow to the the reference indicated.
The NO arrow takes you to the next box. This box gives you the step to correct the fault. Do step 1. It tells you to go to
another task in the manual. Go to the page shown and perform the task. Return to this box when you have completed the task.
Step 2 in this box is Verify no faults found. You must check to make sure you have correctly fixed the fault.
After no faults found has been verified, return carrier to operation. This is the end of the troubleshooting sample.
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