TM 9-2350-247-20-1
0107 00
(2) Follow each instruction in a procedure. Do not skip any instructions or procedures.
(3) After correcting a problem with a procedure, test run the component, engine or power plant to ensure the problem
does not still exist.
The STE/ICER battery test procedures allow the user to evaluate the condition and state of charge of carrier/equipment
batteries. These procedures use the battery internal resistance and battery resistance change measurements. Battery internal
resistance evaluates the state of charge of the battery. Battery resistance change evaluates the battery condition.
Battery state of charge is a measure of the amount of energy stored in the battery. A fully charged battery contains the
maximum amount of energy stored. If the battery fails the battery state of charge evaluation, the battery may be recharged to
return the battery to full charge.
The battery condition is a measure of the batterys ability to accept and maintain a good charge. A battery in poor condition
may be able to be fully recharged. However, a battery in poor condition with a full charge will lose its charge more quickly
than a better in good condition with a full charge. If a battery fails the battery condition evaluation, then the battery should be
The procedures for testing batteries are listed on three battery test cards. Each card describes procedures for evaluating
different combinations of batteries:
Complete battery pack,
Series pair of batteries, and
Individual batteries.
A battery pack is the combination of four or more batteries in a particular circuit of a carrier/equipment, i.e. the starting
circuit. Testing the batteries in a pack evaluates the general condition of the pack as a whole. Note, the results of a battery
pack test may be misleading. A single battery from a pack of four may be bad even though the pack as a whole may pass the
tests. This can happen if the other three batteries in the pack are in very good condition. In order to test a battery pack, the
current probe must be clamped around a single cable carrying all of the starter current. If such a connection cannot be made,
then test each pair of batteries separately.
A series pair is one in which the negative terminal of one battery is connected by a cable to the positive terminal of another
battery. This test configuration should be used when any of the following conditions exists:
There are only two batteries (one series pair) in the carrier/equipment.
An evaluation of the pack is desired, but the current probe cannot measure the total starter current. This condition can
occur if the cable is not readily accessible or if the cable is physically too large.
The battery pack test has failed, and the user wants to further identify any bad battery pair.
Note: Testing each series pair yields a better evaluation than testing the pack as a whole.
An individual battery test refers to the process of testing one battery at a time. The battery could be part of a pack, a series
pair, or a single battery. Test the batteries individually if a battery series pair failed the tests and it is desired to isolate to a
single battery (or if there is only one battery in the circuit). Testing individual batteries gives the best evaluation.
The front of each test card has three sections. The top of the card explains how to connect the VTM to the batteries being
tested. The middle part of the card describes the procedure to follow in order to evaluate the batteries. The bottom of the card
contains illustrations showing typical carrier hookups.
0107 00-12