TM 9-2350-247-10THEORY OF OPERATION — Continued 0003 00AIR CLEANER INDICATORThe air cleaner indicator indicates if the air cleaner is operating properly or is plugged. When the air cleaner indicator is red,the air cleaner is plugged and needs cleaning. Press rubber dome to reset air cleaner indicator after air cleaner has beenreplaced or cleaned.FIXED FIRE EXTINGUISHERRefer to WP 0033 00 for operation of the fixed fire extinguisher.BATTERY GENERATOR GAUGEThe battery generator gauge has the color red repeated. The first (left to right) red position indicates the batteries are dead (nopower). The second red position indicates the batteries are being overcharged and could possibly blow up. During normaloperation, the gauge should be in the green position. Refer to WP 0019 00 for other colors.TACHOMETER GAUGEThe tachometer indicates engine speed and hours of operation. To read engine speed (RPM), multiply the large numbers onthe gauge by 100, or add two zeros to number.0003 00-4
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