TM 9-2350-247-10THEORY OF OPERATION — Continued 0003 00ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAINThe engine converts air and diesel fuel into energy. The engine delivers this power to the transmission, variable fan speed andalternator drive. The variable fan speed and alternator drive drives the alternator and cooling fan. Air for combustion flowsthrough the air cleaner, turbocharger, and the engine. A drive train transfers power from the engine to the carrier tracks. Thedrive train consists of the engine, transmission, drive lines, final drive assemblies, and drive sprockets.COOLING SYSTEMThe engine and transmission generate heat during normal operation. The cooling system transfers some of the heat to theoutside to maintain a safe operating temperature. A mixture of antifreeze and water is pumped through the cooling system tocool the engine and transmission. Stop engine if temperature goes above 220F (104.4C). The engine cooling system has acapacity of 13.3 gallons (50.34 liters). The cooling system should be checked regularly. Refer to Check/Fill Cooling System(M548A3) (WP 0066 00).COLD START SYSTEMThe engine is equipped with a cold start system (glow plugs). The glow plugs assist the engine starting at low ambienttemperatures (below 40F (4.4C). It consists of glow plugs, which are installed in the cylinder heads, and a controller thatregulates the starting cycle and preglow/afterglow duration.STEERING AND BRAKINGThe steering and braking systems are an integral part of the cross drive transmission. The main controls are located in thedriver’s compartment. Center the steering wheel and set the transmission controller to the SL (steering lock) positionwhenever the carrier is being started, idling, or shut down. The steering wheel is locked manually by the driver. If the steeringwheel is not centered and locked, the carrier will turn (pivot) regardless of the position of the transmission controller.STEERING WHEEL AND STEERING WHEEL LOCK PINThe steering wheel controls direction of carrier travel on land or water. The steering wheel lock pin locks the steering wheelin the center position to prevent pivoting the carrier when starting, warming up, or cooling down the engine.TRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROLLERThe transmission shifter is used to select driving range of transmission. The transmission shift controller has seven positionsto choose from. See driver’s controls (WP 0004 00) for a description of each position.FUEL CUTOFF CONTROLTo start fuel flowing to the engine, push the fuel cutoff control all the way in. To stop fuel flow to the engine, pull the fuelcutoff control all the way out. This shuts down or stops the engine from operating.HAND THROTTLE CONTROLThe hand throttle control is used to set the engine speed for various reasons. To set the engine speed, while pushing down theaccelerator pedal, pull hand throttle control out until desired rpm is indicated by tachometer. Turn the hand throttle controlclockwise to lock the control and counterclockwise to release the control. Once the hand throttle control is set, the engine willmaintain the set speed without holding down the accelerator pedal.MAIN LIGHT SWITCHThe main light switch is used to control all of the exterior lights and the instrument panel lights. To select lights, push up andhold the UNLOCK lever before moving desired lever to the position wanted. Refer to Operate Carrier Lights (WP 0032 00).0003 00-3
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