TM 55-2350-224-14
D-4 .
D-5 .
Transport Pad
Bolt (6)
Washer (6)
Erection Arm Bumper Bracket
Bolt (7)
Washer (7)
WFOV Telescope
ITA Cover
a .
b .
c .
Figure D2, M901 Vehicle Conversion (Transport) (Sheet 1 of 3)
Figure D-2, M901 Vehicle Conversion (Transport) (Sheet 2 of 3)
Figure D-2, M901 Vehicle Conversion (Transport) (Sheet 3 of 3)
Bracket Removal Procedure
Remove 4 bolts (l), 4 washers (3), 4 lockwashers (2) and launcher stow support (4). Repeat for other
From rear of erection arm, remove bolts (5), 2 washers (6),
other side.
c. Remove 2 bolts (8), 2 washers (9), 2 nuts (11), 2 washers (1),
other side.
d. Apply corrosion preventive compound (MIL-C-16173, Grade
and stow position stop (7). Repeat for
bumper (12) and shim (13). Repeat for
I), to 2 bolts (8).
e. Install to transport pad (14) on loading hatch: shim (13), bumper (12), 2 washers (9), and 2 bolts (8).
Repeat for other side.
f. Lower side armor and remove 6 bolts (15), 6 washers (16), and erection arm bumper bracket (17).
Repeat for other side.
g. Retain all removed hardware, packed in a suitable fiberboard box, identify, and securely stow
within vehicle.
D-6. Removal of Image Transfer Assembly (ITA) Cover and Wide Field-of-View
(See fig. D-2, sheet 3)
a. Remove 7 bolts (18), 7 washers (19), and ITA cover (21).
b. Loosen split ring retainer from top of large ring, unscrew large ring on base
(WFOV) Telescope
of WFOV telescope
(20), and remove telescope. Cover telescope opening with sheet plastic and tape. Wrap telescope with lens
paper and tape. Wrap lens with Kimpak cushioning material and tape. Place lens in fiberboard container
and tape. Label container as to contents and securely stow within vehicle.
c. Retain all removed items with M901 vehicle.
D-7. Launcher Crane Down Procedure
To lower launcher proceed as follows:
a. Apply system power, remove 2 x 4 lumber bracing and C-Clamps, and then place launcher to 8.5
degrees as indicated by elevation pointer.
b. Set MODE SELECT switch to STOW.
Do not touch ERECTION DRIVE switch. To do so would cause the launcher to stow. Severe injury
or death may result to personnel in the launchers path.
c. Remove cap (1) from erection arm. (See fig. D3)
d. Install handbrank (2) and turn handcrank clockwise to crank launcher down to deck.
All personnel should stand clear of handcrank. Handcrank may occasionally jump abruptly.
e. Remove handcrank, install cap, and turn off system power.
f. Reduce the height of the radio antenna by removing it.
Wrap antenna in cushioning material
(Kimpak) and place antenna in fiberboard container. Store and secure container within vehicle.
D - 5