TM 9-2350-261-34REPAIR RAMP HYDRAULIC CYLINDER DESCRIPTIONThis task covers:Remove (page 10-2).Install (page 10-3).INITIAL SETUP ToolsGeneral Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 35, App B)External Retaining Ring Pliers(Item 66, App B)Internal Retaining Ring Pliers(Item 64, App BMaterials/PartsAutomotive grease (Item 9, App C)FRH hydraulic fluid (Item 33, App C)Repair kit 2590-00-906-0147Personnel Required:Track Vehicle Repairer 63H10References:see your -20See your LOEquipment Conditions:Ramp hydraulic cylinder removed(see your –20)REMOVE1. Remove preformed packing (11) from rod (6).Discard preformed packing.WARNINGFire resistant hydraulic7. Remove cylinder head (4) from rod (6). Slide(FRH) fluid is poisonouscylinder head off at piston end of rod.andc a n b e a b s o r b e dthrough the skin. If FRHNOTEgets on your skin, thorough-Seal set consists of two rod wipers and aly wash with soap and wa-backup ring.ter. Wash hands thoroughly prior to eat-ing or smoking.8.Remove retaining ring (1) that holdsspacer (2) in barrel (3). Push cylinderhead (4) in barrel (3). Remove spacer (2).Discard retaining ring.9.Remove retaining ring (5) that holds cylinderhead (4) in barrel (3). Remove piston rod (6),piston (7) and cylinder head (4) as anassembly from barrel (3). Discard retainingring.Remove two packing retainers- (8) andpreformed packing (9) from piston (7).Discard packing retainers and preformedpacking.File piston end of rod (6) to remove stakedmetal.Remove nut (10) from piston rod (6).Unscrew piston (7) from rod (6).10-210.Remove retaining ring (12), backupring (13), and two rod wipers (14) fromcylinder head (4). Discard retaining ring,backup ring, and rod wipers.Remove gasket (15) and preformedpacking (16) from cylinder head (4). Discardbackup gasket and preformed packing.Remove preformed packing (17) fromcylinder head (4). Discard preformed
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