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Page Title: Table C-1. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners
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TM 9-2350-287-20-2 C-3.  HOW  TO  USE  TORQUE  TABLE-  (continued). 5. 6. To find the grade of the screw that is to be installed, match the markings on the head to the correct picture of CAPSCREW HEAD MARKINGS on the table. Manufacturer’s  marks  may  vary. These are all SAE Grade 5 (3 lines). Look down the column under the picture found in step 5 until the torque limit in foot-pounds for the diameter and threads per inch of the screw being installed is found. Table C-1. Torque Limits for Dry Fasteners SIZE TORQUE SAE GRADE SAE GRADE SAE GRADE SAE GRADE No. 1 or 2 No. 5 No. 6 or 7 No. 8 DIA. THREADS MMs F O O T -    N . m FOOT- FOOT- N.m FOOT- IN. PER INCH POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS ¼ 20 6.35 5 6.78 8.0 10.85 10 13.56 12.0 16.27 ¼ 28 6.35 6 8.14 10.0 13.56 14.0 18.98 5/16 18 7.94 11 14.82 17.0 23.05 19 25.76 24.0 32.52 5/16 24 7.94 13 17.63 19.0 25.76 27.0 36.61 3/8 16 9.53 18 24.41 31.0 42.04 34 46.10 44.0 59.66 3/8 24 9.53 20 27.12 35.0 47.46 49.0 66.44 7/16 14 11.11 28 37.97 49.0 66.44 55 74.58 70.0 94.92 7116 20 30 40.68 55.0 74.58 78.0 105.77 1/2 13 12.70 39 52.88 75.0 101.70 85 115.26 105.0 142.38 ½ 20 41 55.60 85.0 115.26 120.0 162.78 9/16 12 14.28 51 69.16 110.0 149.16 120 162.72 155.0 210.18 9/16 18 55 74.58 120.0 162.72 170.0 230.52 5/8 11 15.88 63 85.43 150.0 203.40 167 226.45 210.0 284.76 5/8 18 85 128.82 170.0 230.52 240.0 325.44 3/4 10 19.05 105 142.38 270.0 356.12 280 379.68 375.0 506.50 3/4 16 115 155.84 285.0 400.02 420.0 586.52 7/8 9 22.23 160 216.86 375.0 536.62 440 595.64 605.0 820.38 7/8 14 175 237.30 435.0 589.85 675.0 915.30 1 8 25.40 235 318.66 590.0 800.04 694.86 910.0 1233.86 1 14 250 338.00 660.0 894.96 990.0 1342.44 1-1/8 25.58 800.0 1064.8 1280.0 1735.7 880.0 1193.3 1444.0 1%2.8 1-1/4 31.75 1820.0 2467.9 2000.0 2712.0 1-3/8 34.93 1460.0 1979.8 2300.0 3227.3 1680.0 2278.1 2720.0 3688.3 1-1/2 38.10 1840.0 2630.6 3160.0 4285.0 2200.0 2863.2 3560.0 4827.4 N.m N.m 660 C-2

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