TM 9-2350-287-20-1
1-16. EQUIPMENT OPERATION (continued).
The hydraulic system operates the upper rear door and conveyor assembly. The APU drives the hydraulic system pump,
which is capable of delivering 4.5 gallons per minute of flow at a system pressure of 1550 psi. Hydraulic fluid is pumped
from the 13-gallon-capacity hydraulic reservoir to the hydraulic control panel. The hydraulic control panel contains two
electromechanically activated directional control valves. The upper directional control valve controls the upper rear door
actuator, extending or retracting the actuator to open or close the upper rear door. The lower directional control valve
controls the conveyor motor for forward or reverse travel of the conveyor chain. The hydraulic control panel also
incorporates a pressure gage that indicates system pressure. The conveyor control switch actuates the conveyor solenoid
at the conveyor control valve.
The rear door switches are located at the upper and lower left areas of the rear door opening.
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