TM 9-2350-287-10
The purpose of performing preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) is to discover and correct any defects
before serious damage or failure occurs. Performing the PMCS as outlined on this and the following pages will help you
keep a well-maintained and properly functioning vehicle. Always perform the PMCS in the same sequence each time; by
doing so, you will develop habits that will help you to spot trouble quickly.
Unusable CARC mixtures are considered hazardous waste and will require
disposal in accordance with Federal, state, DOD, DA, and local installation
hazardous waste regulations. Consult the installation environmental office for
proper disposal guidance. Mixed CARC is extremely flammable-use only in
well-ventilated areas and keep away from open flames, heat, sparks, and other
Ignition sources.
Painting at the operator level is limited to touch-up/spot painting. CARC paint that has been opened must be used within
eight hours or it will deteriorate beyond use. Mix only what is needed for immediate use. Refer to TM 43-0139.
PMCS Procedures
In Table 2-1, Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992A1, the PMCS are grouped according to
Before operation, During operation, After operation, Weekly, or Monthly checks or services.
Before you operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONs and WARNINGs. Perform your Before PMCS before
the vehicle leaves its containment area or performs its intended mission.
While you operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONs and WARNINGs. Perform your During PMCS when the
vehicle is being used in its intended mission.
After you operate. Be sure to perform your After PMCS after the vehicle has been taken out of its mission mode
or returned to its containment area.
Perform Weekly as well as Before operations PMCS if.
You are the assigned operator and have not operated the vehicle since the last weekly PMCS.
You are operating the vehicle for the first time.