TM 9-2350-287-10CREW CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (continued)Hydraulic Control PanelHydraulic Pressure GageThe gage measures pressure generated by themain hydraulic pump in pounds per square inch(psi), from 0 to 3000 psi.Gage should measure 100 to 300 psi with hydraulicpump operating conveyor, upper rear door down,and hydraulic fluid at normal operating temperature.Flow-Control ValveMeters flow of hydraulic fluid to conveyor.Valve can be manually adjusted to increase ordecrease flow and, therefore, the operating speedof conveyor.HYDRAULIC RESERVOIRTEMPERATURE GageMonitors temperature of hydraulic fluid in the reservoir.Temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.Gage is graduated in 20°F increments from 120° to240°F.Hydraulic fluid temperature should not exceed 160°F.2-12
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