TM 9-2350-277-20-1
0005 00
The YES arrow takes you to this block. Do steps 1 thru 3. In this sample, let us say the terminal end is free from corrosion
and/or other damage. So the answer to step 3 i s YES. Follow the YES arrow t o the next block.
1. Remove MASTER SWITCH panel (WP 0260 00) or
(WP 0261 00).
2. Inspect terminal end on lead 12349945-1 (1) on switch (2).
3. Is terminal end free from corrosion and/or other damage?
1. Repair or replace lead (WP 0382 00),
(WP 0356 00), (WP 0357 00) or
(WP 0358 00).
2. Verify no faults found.
The YES arrow takes you to this block. You have found the fault in the MASTER SWITCH. This block gives you the step to
correct the fault. Do step 1. It tells you to go to another task in the manual. Go to the page shown and perform the task.
Return to this block when you have completed the task.
1. Peplace MASTER SWITCH (WP 0262 00) or (WP 0273 00).
2. Verify no faults found.
Step 2 i n this block isVerify no faults found. Check to make sure you have fixed the reported fault and there are no other
problems. After no faults have been verified, return carrier to operation.
This section has given you information on how t o use troubleshooting. By going through the troubleshooting sample, you
have seen how parts of this chapter are used. This information will help you successfully troubleshoot at the unit maintenance
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