2-23PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESQ-QUARTERLYS-SEMIANNUALLYA-ANNUALLYB-BIENNIALLYH-HOURSMI-MILESChange 4ITEM TO BEINSPECTEDCoolant (cont).PROCEDUREDEFInsert tip of bulb-type syringe (6) into radiator filler neck (7) well below coolantlevel. Press and release bulb (8) to draw up sample of coolant.Depress bulb (8), ejecting a few drops of coolant onto measuring window (2) ofduo-check coolant tester.WARNINGDo not look into inbred (blackout) light. If using headlight asa light source, look into white light only. Infared light caninjure the eyes.TM 9-2350-267-20
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business