B Remove fuel fill cap (3) andPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESQ-QUARTERLYS-SEMIANNUALLYA-ANNUALLYB-BIENNIALLYH-HOURSMI-MILESINTERVALITEM TO BEPROCEDUREITEMQSABHMlINSPECTED10l75750Fuel SystemAInspect all fuel lines andfuel line couplings and fit-tings for evidence of leaks.B Change primary fuel filter(1) and secondary fuelfilter (2) (p 4-11 and 4-13).11lFuel Fill StrainerA Remove six screws (2) andfuel fill access plate (l).inspect cap rubber seal forcracks.C Remove fuel strainer(4) bypulling straight up andout.D Clean strainer (4) with sol-vent (item 19, Appx D).EIf strainer is badly clogg-e d o r t o r n , r e p l a cestrainer.TA3103512-17TM 9-2350-267-20
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