TM 9-2350-267-20
When using multimeter refer to DA Pam 750-33
for setup of multimeter.
Place red multimeter lead on positive post of battery 1, and
black lead to ground. Crank engine and check voltage. If
voltage is below 18 volts while cranking, clean, tighten, repair
or replace necessary cables and charge batteries. Crank
engine and check voltage. If voltage is still below 18 volts,
go to step B.
Place red multimeter lead on positive post and black lead on
negative post of battery 1. Crank engine and check voltages;
voltage reading should not be below 9 volts. Repeat on bat-
teries 2, 3 and 4. Check all batteries. Service batteries meter-
ing below 9 volts (p 6-42).