TM 9-2350-267-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M992LocationIntervalItem toCrewmemberNot Fully MissionProcedureCheck/Capable If:ServiceDRIVER23AfterAPU OilOpen APU front door andLevelcheck APU engine oil level.Add oil to bring level up tofull (F) mark on dipstick.Add or drain as needed.DRIVER24AfterAPUTurn MASTER switch ONClass Ill leak exists.Fuel Fil-and turn APU FUEL SHUTtersOFF switch ON. Drain firstthe primary and then thesecondary APU fuel filteruntil contaminants are re-moved. Turn MASTERswitch OFF and turn APUMASTER SHUT OFFswitch OFF. Inspect fuellines and hoses for dam-age, leaks and loose con-nections.2-47
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