TM 9-2350-261-34
Subject, Page
Subject, Page
C (cont)
Commanders hatch (cont):
Cover hull hinges, repair,
(M577A2 and M1068 only), 8-20
Common tools and supplements and special
tools/fixtures list, B-1
Communication box A11 (M1068 Only), external,
repair, 6-71
Compartment, fuel, repair,
(M113A2 and M106A2 only), 4-9
Compartment, fuel, weld joints, repair, (M125A2
and M106A2 only), 4-3
Compartment, fuel, weld joints, reseal, (M125A2
and M106A2 only), 4-6
Connectors, multipin, repair, 6-66
Coolant heater:
Final test, 14-63
Kit, engine, install, (M113A2, M901A1, and
M1059 only), 14-2
Kit, engine, install,
(M577A2 and M1068 only), 14-17
Kit, engine, install,
(M106A2 and M125A2 only), 14-33
Coolant pump:
Data, 14-62
Control valve, fuel, replace, 14-48
Auxiliary power unit, repair,
(M577A2 only), 12-1
Commanders hatch, hinges, repair,
(M577A2 and M1068 only), 8-18
Commanders hatch, hull hinges, repair,
(M577A2 and M1068 only), 8-20
Hinges, commanders cupola, repair,
(M113A2, M106A2, M125A2, and M1059
only), 8-14
Hinges, drivers hatch, repair, 8-6
Hull hinges, drivers hatch, repair, 8-8
Armor shields, commanders, install,
(M113A2, M125A2, M106A2, and
M1059 only), 20-2
Commanders, repair, (M113A2, M106A2,
M125A2, and M1059 only), 8-4
Commanders, replace, (M113A2, M106A2,
M125A2, and M1059 only), 8-2
Cover hinges, commanders, repair, (M113A2,
M106A2, M125A2, and M1059 only), 8-14
Hinges, commanders, repair, (M113A2,
M106A2, M125A2, and M1059 only), 8-16
Index 2
Change 4
C (cont)
Cylinder, ramp hydraulic, repair, 10-2
Data, coolant heater and coolant pump, 14-62
Data, roadside and curbside panel assemblies
A12 And A13 M1068 Only), 6-88
Destruction of Army materiel to prevent
enemy use, 1-1
Diode and motor resistor, replace, 14-58
Door, ramp access, repair, 10-4
Drivers hatch:
cover hinges, repair, 8-6
Cover hull hinges, repair, 8-8
Drivers level indicator:
Replace/repair, (M901A1 only), 8-10
Electronic equipment heater kit, install,
(M577A2 only), 13-1
Enclosure, power control, (M1068 Only):
Left panel, repair, 6-99
Power supplies, replace, 6-118
Rear panel, repair, 6-105
Right panel, repair, 6-94
Coolant heater kit, install, (M113A2,
M901A1, and M1059 only), 14-2
Coolant heater kit, install
(M577A2 and M1068 only), 14-17
Coolant heater kit, install,
(M106A2 and M125A2 only), 14-33
Replace, 3-29
Equipment data and description, 1-2
Expendable/durable supplies and materials list,
Appendix C, C-1
Extension boxes (M1068 Only):
Phone A14, repair, 6-132
Power, A6 And A7, repair, 6-82
Curbside DC power A8, repair, 6-84
Roadside DC power A9, repair, 6-86
Extinguisher, fire, chemical, service,
(M1059 only), 22-1
Fabricated tools, 2-4
Fan, repair, 5-6
Fenders, rear or front splash guards,
replace, 8-36