TM 9-2350-261-20-2
Subject, Page
Subject, Page
E (cont)
E (cont)
Engine (cont):
Coolant temperature switch, replace, 15-3
Cranks but will not start, 3-30
Cranks but will not start below 40 degrees
(air box heater is used), 3-34
Cranks slowly, 3-25
Does not crank, 3-15
Fuel pump, replace, 6-121
Fuel system diagram, 6-101
Left to right engine cylinder head fuel hose,
replace, 6-110
Equipment (cont):
Rack, right, M1068, 40.1-6
special, 2-7
Stowage shelf, M901A1, replace, 24-180
Equipment heater:
Mount, front, replace, 4-2
Control box, M577A2, replace, 31-11
Fuel pump to bulkhead connection hose,
M577A2, replace, 31-7
Exhaust, coolant heater, elbow and pipes,
replace, 32-41
Exhaust pipes, replace, 7-16
Expendable/durable supplies and materials list,
Filler cap and tube, replace, 4-13
Filter assembly, replace, 4-5
Filter bracket, hoses, and fittings, replace,
Exterior catches and bumpers, mortar hatch,
M106A2, M1064, M125A2, replace, 24-109
Eye, lifting, replace, 24-2
Filter element and parts, replace, 4-3
Flow diagram, 4-1
Gage rod and guide, replace, 4-15
Low pressure indicator fails to go off after
engine starts, 3-50
Low pressure indicator malfunctions, 3-148
Low pressure switch, replace, 15-2
Overcools, 3-14
Overheats, 3-10
Power disconnect, replace, 23-57
Runs rough, stalls, or does not put out full
power, 3-44
Face mask:
Connector assembly, orifice, NBC equipment,
replace, 39-100
Gas filter, ventilated, M25/M25A1, replace,
Heater, ventilated, M25/M25A1, replace,
Hose assembly, ventilated, M25/M25A1,
replace, 39-99
Charging system, 100 amp, 3-65
Charging system, 200 amp, 3-66
Charging system, 200 amp, M981, 3-67
Fuel system, 3-52
Start switch, replace, 11-10
Engine coolant heater:
Control box, replace/repair, 32-42
Heater system, drain and fill, 32-10
Engine fuel:
Facsimile machine mount, replace, 40.1-2
Fan assembly, cooling, replace, 8-14
Fan drive:
Adjustable idler and pulley, replace, 8-39
Belts, replace, 8-35
Fixed idler and pulley, replace, 8-37
Pulley and access cover, replace, 8-41
Shaft, pulley, bearing, and housing, 8-46
Flow diagram, M981, M1064 with external
fuel tanks, 6-3
System diagram, 6-101
System diagram, M113A2, M125A2,
M106A2, with inside tank or compartment,
Description and data, 1-12
Improvement recommendations (EIR),
reporting of, 1-11
Cap and strainer parts:
Replace, M981, M1064, 6-30
Replace, M1059, M113A2, M577A2,
M901A1, 6-8
Replace, M125A2, M106A2, 6-78
Cap and tube, oil, replace, 4-13
Combat cover and lock:
Replace, 8-33
Replace, M113A2, M1059, M577A2,
M901A1, 6-7
Replace, M981, M1064, 6-29
Index 10
Change 4