TM 9-2350-261-20-1
Subject, Page
Subject, Page
R (cont)
Rack (cont):
Base, left side, M1068, replace, 24-244.5
Base, right side, M1068, replace, 24-244.3
Horizontal ammunition:
Repair, M1064, 24-190.3
Replace, M106A2, 24-191
Replace, M125A2, 24-189
Replace, M1064, 24-190.3
Rifle, M1064, replace, 24-160.1
Ramp (cont):
To bulkhead connection tube, replace, 28-22
To hydraulic tank hose, replace, 28-13
Tube, quick disconnect to, replace, 28-22
Replace, M901A1, 24-267
Retainers, M901A1, replace, 24-270
Radio stowage:
Breather hose on, all except M106A2,
M1064, M125A2, replace, 28-91
Breather hose on, M106A2, 1064, M125A2,
replace, 28-92
Bulkhead connection hose, replace, 28-89
Replace, 28-93
Left, bulkhead, M577A2, M1068, replace,
Replace, M125A2, M1064, M106A2, 24-249
Right front, M577A2, replace, 24-242
Right front, M1068, replace, 24-242.1
Vertical ammunition, M106A2, M125A2,
replace, 24-188
Vertical ammunition, M1064, replace,
Handles, replace, 25-34
Hook and spring, all except M981A1,
M1064, replace, 25-33
Hook and spring, M1981A1, M1064,
replace, 25-32.1
Seal, replace, 25-32
Switch, and mount, M577A2, M1068,
replace, 12-74
Vertical fuze, M106A2, replace, 24-186
Wall, stowage, M577A2, replace, 24-243
Radiac wire harness, M113A2, M577A2, M1068,
replace, 17-13
Access door:
Replace, 8-27
Seal and fasteners, replace, 8-25
Clean, 8-7,
Deaeration elbow to inlet elbow coolant tube,
Outlet elbow to coolant pump elbow hose and
tube, 8-14,
Parts, and, replace, 8-20
Radio(s) does not work, 3-116
Radio stowage rack:
Left bulkhead, M577A2, M1068, replace,
Inoperable/unsafe, raise/lower, 28-3
Inoperable/unsafe M1068, raise/lower, 28-4
Replace, M113A2, M901A1, M1059, 25-7
Replace, M577A2, M1068, 25-26
Replace, M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 25-15
Adjust, M113A2, M901A1, M1059, 25-2
Adjust, M577A2, M1068, 25-19
Adjust, M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 25-10
Lock lever and arms, replace, M113A2,
M901, M1059, 25-5
Lock lever and cable, M577A2, M1068,
replace, 25-23
Operation is slow or sluggish, 3-184
Replace, 28-81
M106A2, M1064, M125A2, replace, 24-249
Right front, M577A2, replace, 24-242
Right front, M1068, replace, 24-242.1
Access door stop bracket, M981A1, M1064,
replace, 25-40
Bracket, M981A1, M1064, replace, 25-39
Control valve:
And fittings, all, replace, 28-84
To hydraulic tank strainer tube, replace,
To pressure relief valve hose, replace, 28-9
Seal, replace, 25-36
Schematic, hydraulic system, 3-188
Vision port:
Replace, M901A1, 25-37
Shield, M901A1, replace, 25-37
Will not lower, 3-182
Will not raise or free falls, 3-185
Range selector:
Linkage, replace, 23-55
Index 22
Change 4
R (cont)