TM 9-2350-261-20-1
Subject, Page
Subject, Page
H (cont)
H (cont)
Hatch (cont):
Cover M1068, commander, replace, 24-97
Covers, mortar, M106A2, M1064, M125A2,
replace, 24-113
Cushioning pad, drivers, replace, 24-51
Cushioning pad and handle Ml068
commander, replace, 24-95
Hook and bumper M1068, commander,
replace, 24-99
Internal latch M1068, commander, replace,
Heater (cont):
Replace, 29-51
Control box:
Electronic equipment, replace, 31-11
Engine coolant, repair, 32-42
Engine coolant kit M1068, 32-1
M3 NBC, M106A2, M125A2, replace,
Drivers, M901A1, repair, 24-67
Interior latch, cargo, replace, 24-101
Interior lock and latch, drivers,
replace, 24-55
M3 NBC, M1068, replace, 39-70
M3 NBC, M577A2, replace, 39-25
Personnel, repair, 29-43
Personnel, replace, 29-42
Vision block locks and seals, drivers:
Replace, all except M106A2 24-52
Repair, 12-10
Replace, 12-9
Exhaust elbow and pipes, replace, 32-41
Heater malfunctions, 3-217
Pump, replace, 32-51
Pump, fuel M1068, replace, 32-16
Replace, 32-49
Data, Stewart Warner, 31-1
Repair, 29-49
Blackout marker:
Repair, 12-8
Replace, 12-7
Duct and hoses:
Replace, 29-47
Guard, replace, 12-11
High beam selector switch, replace, 12-77
Wiring harness, right, replace, 12-79
Service and infrared:
Repair, 12-5
Replace, 12-3
Inlet, hose, replace, 32-25
Lines, bleed air from compartment, 29-4
Fuel pump:
Infrared, does not operate, 3-83
Service, do not operate, 3-78
Air box:
Air pump, replace, 6-133
And controllers, M3 NBC, M113A2
ambulance, replace, 39-86
And mounts, M13 NBC, M577A2, replace,
Coolant, M106A2, M125A2, replace, 32-14
Coolant, M113A2, M901A1, M1059,
replace, 32-12
Coolant, M577A2, M1068, replace, 32-16
Replace fuel pump assembly:
M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 29-11
M113A2, M1059, 29-8
M577A2, M1068, 29-13
Tee connection to hose, M981, replace,
Ignition coil, replace, 6-132
Replace, 6-138
Solenoid valve, replace, 6-136
Wiring harness, replace, 6-140
Air intake and exhaust pipes:
Replace, M106A2, M1064, M125A2, 29-55
Replace, M106A2, M125A2, 29-53
Electronic equipment, replace, 31-16
Fittings, M3 NBC, M113A2 ambulance,
replace, 39-77
Fuel compartment to fuel pump, M577A2,
M1068, replace, 29-36
Fuel pump to bulkhead connection,
replace, 29-22
Fuel pump to bulkhead connection,
M106A2, M1064, M125A2, replace, 29-31
Fuel tank to fuel pump, M113A2, M901A1,
M1059, replace, 29-15
M3 NBC, M106A2, M125A2, replace,
Index 14
Change 4