TM 9-2350-261-20-1
T o o l s :
General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 30, App D)
Tube Pipe Pitting Kit (Item 25, App D)
Radiator Testing Kit (Item 51, App D)
M a t e r i a l & P a r t s :
Suitable container
Personnel Required:
Unit Mechanic
Helper (H)
R e f e r e n c e s :
See your -10
Equipment Conditions:
Engine stopped (see your -10)
Carrier blocked (see your -10)
Trim vane lowered (see your -10)
Power plant front access door open
(see your -10)
Drivers power plant access panels removed
(see your -10)
Power plant rear access panels removed
(see your -10)
1. Does engine boil over?
1. Verity proper operation of
coolant TEMP indicator
before continuing. See task:
Coolant TEMP indicator
malfunctions (page 3-144).
2. Verify no faults found.
1. Observe coolant TEMP indicator (see your -10).
2. Does coolant temp indicator indicate overheating?
1. Verify proper operation of
coolant TEMP indicator
before continuing. See task
Coolant TEMP indicator
malfunctions (page 3-144).
2. Verify no faults found.
2. Are all parts and seals in good condition?
1. Inspect power plant front access door, drivers
access panel, rear access panel, and bottom access
cover seals (see your -10).
1. Inspect power plant coolant hoses, radiator, and
fittings for leaks.
2. Is power plant free of coolant leaks?
1. Repair, Replace and/or
adjust faulty parts and/or
seals as required
(page 24-7).
2. Verify no faults found.
1. Repair cooling
(page 8-1).
2. Verify no faults found.
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