TM 9-2350-261-10O P E N / C L O S E C O M M A ND E R ’ S H A T C H( M 5 7 7 A 2 A N D M 1 0 6 8 O N L Y)I N I T I A L S E T U PPersonnel Required:Equipment Conditions:DriverCarrier stoppedO P E N H A T C H2. Push hatch cover all the wayback. Make sure it is secured byhold-open latch.Remove locking pin from block.Secure hatch with locking pin.WARNINGUnsecured hatchcover could move3.and hit you in thehead. When hatchisopen,securelatch with lockingC L O S E H A T C Hpin.1. Remove latch locking pin andstow pin in block.1. From inside carrier, press latchto release spring and open hatch2. Lift latch to release cover andcover.close hatch.END OF TASK4-10Change 3
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