TM 9-2350-261-10-HR
Publication Number. Contains the TM number of the technical manual containing the op-
erator/crew instructions for the equipment.
Publication Date. Date of the operator/crew technical manual.
Quantity. Quantity of the end item covered by this hand receipt.
Stock Number (column a). National stock number of the item described. Items without
stock numbers should be requisitioned by Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGEC) and part
number with exception data in accordance with AR 710-2.
j. Item Description (column b). Enter a description of the end item, to include the make or
model, and the serial/USA number, followed by item description of COEI, BII, and AAL items. In addi-
tion, it will contain the 5-digit Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGEC), Part Number (P/N),
and Used On Code, if applicable.
* (column c). The accounting requirements code (ARC) is provided here. One of the follow-
ing ARCs will apply:
The Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) refers to property ac-
countability, not the Recoverability Code (RC). The ARC and
the RC are listed in the Army Master Data File (AMDF)
N Nonexpendable:
D Durable:
X- Expendable:
Items not consumed in use, retaining
their identity during use, and re-
quiring that accountability be main-
tained throughout the life of the
Nonconsumable components of sets,
kits, outfits, and assemblages; all
tools in FSCS 5110,5120,5130,
and 5280; and any other nonconsumable
with a price in excess of .00 not already N.
Items regardless of type classification or price
and which are consumed in use. Includes all class
9 repair parts. Items not consumed in use which
cost .00 or less and not already N or Dn.