TM 9-2350-247-20-1PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS — Continued0128 00ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDCREWMEMBERPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLEIF:b. HARD TIME. Hard time interval may beshortened if equipment operates under adverseconditions (for arctic operations, refer to FM9-207; for desert operations, refer to FM 90-3).Hard timeintervalexceeded.CAUTIONEngine and transmission can be damagedif filled above the FULL (F) mark on thegauge rods.NOTEIf AOAP laboratory is not available, drainengine oil and change filter element/gaskets every 150 hours, 1500 miles (2414km) or semi-annually. Transmission oilshould be drained and filter element/gaskets changed every 150 hours, 1500miles (2414 km) or semi-annually.NOTEAlways change filters on transmission andengine even when using AOAP every 150hours, 1500 miles (2414 km) orsemi-annually.c. ON CONDITION. To drain engine ortransmission oil, remove hull bottom accesscover and drain plug. Inspect oil for metalparticles. If metal particles are found, notifyyour supervisor. Replace engine or transmissionoil filters each time an oil change is required.0128 00-49
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