TM 9-2350-247-20-1ENGINE CRANKS SLOWLY (M548A1)—Continued 0012 00Y1. Measure voltage between starter positive (+) terminal (1) andground with engine cranking for 3 t o 5 seconds.2. Does multimeter read more than 17 volts?YESNOGO TO CY (PAGE 0012 00-4)2Y1. Measure voltage between starter ground (1) and carrier groundwith engine cranking for 3 t o 5 seconds.2. Does multimeter read less than 1/2 volt?YESNO2YN1. Replace/repair starter ground(WP 0294 00).2. Verify no faults found.3Y1. Replace starter (WP 0253 00).2. Verify no faults found.0012 00-2
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