LO 9-2350-261-12
10 JULY 1990
(Supersedes LO 9-2350-261-12, July 1985)
5. Place range selector in N position and
keep engine running.
The lubrication table on cards 4 and 5
6. Remove driver's power plant access
quantities used on the carrier. Charts A thru
panel (TM 9-2350-261-10).
E, referred to in the table, are located at the
7. With engine running remove dust caps
back of this Lubrication Order.
from engine and transmission oil sam-
pling valves.
8. Open sample valve on engine oil filter
and drain a small amount of oil into a
container to clear valve of grit and
container and oil upon completion of
sample taking.) Fill sampling bottle to
the neck shoulder and seal it. Attach DA
Form 2026 to sample bottle.
9. Close oil sample valve and install dust
10. Take oil sample from transmission in the
same manner (steps 7 thru 9).
11. Stop engine (TM 9-2350-261-10).
12. Install driver's compartment power plant
access panel and secure carrier.
13. Deliver sample bottles to the unit AOAP
For Iocation of nearest AOAP Laboratory
and complete information about AOAP,
refer to TB 43-0210.
CARD 3 of 32
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